Partners of Professional nursing students in the face of MEA through learning methods IPE (Interprofesional Education)

By : Neny Triana, S.Kep.Ns, M.Pd , Sylvie Puspita


Background : Selection of appropriate learning methods for nursing students is one thing that is important in the face of MEA (masyarakat ekonomi asean). Interprofesional learning method is a method of learning that prepares students of nursing as a professional partner other health team. With the application of IPE learning method is expected to improve the health care of patients.

Objective: This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the application of IPE in improving nursing students komnikasi and cooperation with other health team and the factors that become obstacles in the implementation of the IPE.

Methods: Perform a search on Proques article about articles related to IPE learning method in nursing with the keyword “IPE” found 519 articles published in 2000-2015 and then with the keyword “IPE in education nurshing found 315 articles then we enter into 20 articles ,

Results: IPE provide a positive impact on both the students and teachers. Students are required to be someone who can appreciate other professions and work together in a professional manner. Diving instructor IPE learning process becomes more aware of the characteristics of students and more menikamati course of the learning process. The existence of barriers in the learning process IPE is a big challenge for every department of this include differences in the curriculum of each study program and bagamana how to set the time for the IPE.

Keywords : IPE, Nursing Students, MEA

Download File : jurnal-6-2015-ipe.doc

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